
Academics - Bedrock Activity Center

  • Specially designed theme based activities

    We have a specially designed 4 years curriculum which is also an integral part of our daycare activities for children aged 2 years to 6 years. This curriculum is based on Multiple Intelligence where we have designed the month's activities based on a theme and the theme is reinforced in different ways so that learners of all types can benefit.

  • Brain stimulating programs

    Out activities are designed to stimulate all intelligences like Logical, Visual, Linguistic, musical, creative, inter-personal.

  • Focus on holistic development

    The wonderful mix of stimulating activities ensure the holistic development of children joining our activity center, as also our daycare children who are part of it as an integral program. Children have done many creative activities, experiments, learnt about themes as varied as festivals around the globe, species of dogs, all about butterflies, oceans and continents, music and various musical instuments and many more interesting topics in our activity center.They have learnt sanskrit shlokas, songs in regional languages as well as English and enjoyed dancing too.

  • Our USP is also that we offer this activity center as a daily engagement for children (5 days/week).

Age group : 2 yrs to 6 yrs

Time : Monday to Friday 4 pm to 5.30 pm.